Thursday, June 20, 2013

...and companions, Martyrs

Most professions have their own patron saint or several. Doctors, lawyers, greengrocers, waiters, bomb technicians, swordsmiths, accountantsyou name it. Usually a saint is chosen as a patron by a group because they either followed the profession in question while they where alive, or because they exemplified some virtue that is vital to the state in life of those who practice it.

So who is the Patron Saint of  retail/customer service workers?

Apparently, we haven’t one.

We are an extensive group, but largely nameless – even our very best efforts will never catapult us to fame - unknown but to our families and God.

The problem seems to be that retail sales as it is practiced today is a relatively modern invention. I have not been able to find a bio of a saint who followed the profession for any length of time. (St. Frances of Assisi is great, but he isn’t what I had in mind because he quit his father’s shop rather dramatically.)

So who would be fitting for retail workers everywhere? Our profession is extremely diverse and includes grocery store cashiers and Nordstrom’s sales associates – requisite skills in all environments include smiling in the face of disaster and putting up with stupid people while keeping a sense of humor. The ability to answer the same question over and over without losing your temper, and not punching stupid people. Standing on your feet all day and smiling, and not punching stupid people. Also, not punching stupid people.

So I propose this:

“...and companions, Martyrs.”

You see, there is a vast army in heaven of people, normal sorts of people, who died rather than give up their faith. In most countries, when a persecution arose the tyrant du jour would round up the missionaries and any of their converts they could find and execute them. Frequently we know the name of the missionary but not the names of all the converts, so they are listed as: St Charles Lwanga and companions, Martyrs. Or: St Andrew Kim and companions, martyrs.

Large group of diverse people who understand suffering and exemplify steadfastness and perseverance? check.

...and companions, martyrs, pray for us!