Monday, April 1, 2013

Young Germany - 1931

Oh. My.

You can see the whole book at, but don't if you're feeling queasy.

A sample from page 23:
"About thirty years ago a very important thing happened in conservative, disciplined Germany. Youth revolted against the materialistic world created by their elders. They said " we will make our own lives, we will develop our own ideas. We refuse to be ruled by the old."
Which, of course, led to This  and This.

More information about German Youth movements of the 1930s can be found Here.

Bear in mind that this was written in October of 1931. Japan had already invaded Manchuria. In Germany the Nazi party was the second largest in the country.Mein Kampf was a best seller. It was down hill all the way to the ovens.

Who was Anne Merriman Peck? I couldn't find any definite information. I think she was either evil or criminally naive. If you do look at the book, take the time to wiki any names. Most are not people I would give a dog I liked, let alone want them near my children. For instance Isadora Duncan and Klaus Mehnert are both mentioned in a positive manner.

To wash your eyes out, I recommend this.

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