Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sue Sew and Sew - 1931

I would love to be able to find this book. I've been sewing dolly clothes for most of my life!

Wanda Gàg(1893-1946) is most famous for Millions of Cats, but my favorite of her books is The Funny Thing. Asta, Dehli and Flavia where three of her six younger siblings. As far as I can tell, this is the only book they wrote.

This article is about some people who teach a sewing class based on this book to children at the house where the Gàgs lived. There is a small picture of the cover at the link, you can click on it to make it bigger. Based on the picture, I don't think that Sue was a "Sunbonnet Sue."

I would like to think that Sue was one of the dolls that the Aminal did not eat, thanks to Bobo and his inspired invention of Jum-Jills.

Was the "effort to be light and frolicsome" "overdone"? I can't say. The only copy I found for sale was $150 plus shipping.

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