Monday, May 19, 2014

Ever see this floating around the internets?

It's supposed to be all inspirationally 'n' stuff. Deep. Heavy.

But it always made me wonder how such a normally sane, well grounded person could spout such drivel.

Well, my suffering is over - thanks to wikiquote I've discovered that it wasn't him. It was George Macdonald. That quote had been around for at least six years before Mr. Lewis was even born. (here, have some evidence.)

Now I like Macdonald as an author. The Princess and the Goblin is one of my very favorite books. But as a theologian I think he's nuts.

I realize that it is too much to ask for correct attribution of this tripe. But - can we like start a campaign to attribute that air-headed sentiment to someone other than Lewis? I dunno - maybe Plato?

update: I have doubts that Macdonald said it either. Also, this  is and interesting article.

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