Wednesday, September 5, 2018

28% of children in my birth year died of a preventable cause.

Twenty-eight percent.  Just shy of 1/3.
1,566,900 of them.
 In the USA alone.
One million, five hundred sixty-six thousand, nine hundred.
In just one year: 1989.
From a completely preventable cause.
1,566,900 is a very large number. To give it a little perspective, consider that the total number of US service members killed or wounded in the Vietnam war (1964-1975) was 243,523.
This means that more than a MILLION MORE children died in ONE single year, than all the United States casualties in the entire ten-year Vietnam war.
I just…thought you should know.
I try to keep things mostly sweetness and light around here…but I needed to share this with y’all. It’s something I don’t talk about much, but live with every day. 

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