An example of the "amusing but complicated" style referred to:
Lois Lenski (1893-1974) was the fourth of five children and she wrote and/or illistrated about a bazillion books, for many different age levels.
Benny and His Penny is a fairly early work. Later her illustrations would look more like this, realistic pencil drawings with lots of shading. They remind me of Kate Seredy's drawings but with different subject matter.
I have read two of Lois Lenski's other books (Strawberry Girl and Cotton in my sack) and enjoyed them. She also did the illustrations for the first four Betsy-Tacy books, which I also enjoyed.
Lois' husband was an artist as well, and painted murals like this. They stayed married from 1921 until his death in 1960.
I have not been able to find Benny and His Penny, so I cannot comment on his lack of sense; however I do not think that an un-sensible character always prevents enjoyment of a book. What do you think?
I have a copy of this book from 1931