Sunday, March 10, 2013

Johnny Penguin -1931

Parents’ Magazine had a column of reviews of children’s books.
 Now (82 years after these reviews appeared) I am trying to find all the books mentioned, learn about their authors, and comment on all things as the fancy takes me. I originally started this series on my old Posterous blog in October of 2011.

 Most of the books where reviewed by Alice Dalgliesh, who was identified as “Instructor in Story Telling for Children, Teacher’s College, Columbia University.” According to Wikipedia, Alice Dalgliesh wrote children’s books herself, notably this one.(which I have not read.) She was also Robert Heinlein’s editor for many years.

What does she have to say about Johnny?

Well, I think we have very different views on books. You see, I found Johnny quite charming.
She-and-the-mouse-in-her-pocket wondered at the text? But it is so plainly illustrated:
Dorothy and Marguerite Bryan seem to have been quite prolific. I have only seen two of their books (Johnny Penguin and “Michael who Missed his Train”) and both of them had the same formula: an incident, a chase with accompanying map, and a happy ending. Good stuff.
 Everything is better with a Penguin.

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