Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Skipping Along Alone - 1931

The poem quoted seems to be Winifred Welles' most famous.

In its entirety it reads:

      "I'd like a different dog
      For every kind of weather -
      A narrow greyhound for a fog,
      A wolfhound strange and white,
      With a tail like a silver feather
      To run with in the night,
      When snow is still, and winter stars are bright.
      In the fall I'd like to see
      In answer to my whistle,
      A golden spaniel look at me.
      But the best of all for rain
      A terrier, hairy as a thistle,
      To trot with fine disdain   
      Beside me down the soaked, sweet smelling lane."

There isn't much information available about Ms. Welles (other than that she wrote several books of poetry) but Marguerite Davis has quite a fan following. She has her own tumblr tag.

As far as I can tell, the illustrations for Skipping Along Alone where in black and white and looked pretty good. (see  examples Here and Here and Here.)

I like the pictures better than the poems....Perhaps by "delicate" she meant "ungrammatical"?

What do you think?

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